Sunday, October 26, 2014

Felicia Rogers

Today, I would like to welcome, author, Felicia Rogers!


Can you tell us a little bit about you?
My name is Felicia Rogers. I was born and raised in the southern part of the United States. I’m a Christian wife and mother. I volunteer with Girl Scouts of America, and a local homeschooling co-op. I love to read, write, hike, and crochet.

Is writing something you always wanted to do?
Actually growing up I never really thought about writing as a career. I used to bang out short stories, like a page long, on my keyboard because I loved to type. My love of typing made me consider a career in business and I actually have a degree in Human Resource Management.

I know you frequently write historical romance do you write other romance genres as well? Do you have a favorite genre of romance novels that you like to write?
I do frequently write historical romance, but I also write contemporary romance. I have one chick-lit that was published by Astraea Press. As for my favorite genre of romance I would have to say, historical. Even though there are research challenges, I do love getting into the time period. Not so much the clothing aspect or the furniture, but the language. The way they spoke, the genteel way they acted, the horses! It is so much easier to have a knight in shining armor in the 1500s or 1800s than in current times.

Where do you get your inspirations for your stories?
My inspirations for stories comes from everywhere. In things that happen to me, things my kids do, phrases people say. Anything and everything is fair game.

Do you write any other type of books?
So far, no. Romance is all that I’ve published.

Are you working on any new books? Can you share anything about them with us?
I am working on the sequel to The Ruse as well as three completely new storylines. But I’m afraid I can’t give away any details until closer to being finished.

You have been a great supporter of Period Images, how did you hear about us.
I believe I found Period Images through a google search and I have to say I’ve never been happier. The photos are excellent. The models and period wear are superb. The only complaint I have is that there aren’t enough historical western couples or singles for The Board Series. Admittedly I have at least twelve novellas planned before I’m finished!

What do you look for when looking for cover images? Cover Models?
First and foremost I look for the model to match the time period I’m describing. Since I write “clean” romance I also want a picture that hints at sensuality without being licentious.

Do you pick your cover prior to writing your book or do you write your book and pick your cover?
In the past when I looked for a model I did it after designing my character, but now I’ve gotten wise. If you’re doing a period novel finding a hero/heroine to match your description isn’t always easy. So now I look for the model first before writing my description.

What can we expect to see from you in the future?
The sequel to The Ruse will be released before the end of the year. I already have the cover art and Period Images is again showcased. The next novella in The Board Series will be coming out soon, showcasing a photo with my interviewer, Jax. I’m looking forward to re-publishing my YA Fantasy novel toward the first of next year. As for others in the works, I don’t have a timetable.

Is there anything else you would like our readers to know?
I’d like to thank everyone for stopping by and reading my interview. And thank you, Jax, for giving me the opportunity to chat with you today. It has been such a pleasure to display the work of Period Images and I hope to continue to do so in the future.

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions and to chat with us. I look forward to posting your interview. 

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