Sunday, October 26, 2014

Felicia Rogers

Today, I would like to welcome, author, Felicia Rogers!


Can you tell us a little bit about you?
My name is Felicia Rogers. I was born and raised in the southern part of the United States. I’m a Christian wife and mother. I volunteer with Girl Scouts of America, and a local homeschooling co-op. I love to read, write, hike, and crochet.

Is writing something you always wanted to do?
Actually growing up I never really thought about writing as a career. I used to bang out short stories, like a page long, on my keyboard because I loved to type. My love of typing made me consider a career in business and I actually have a degree in Human Resource Management.

I know you frequently write historical romance do you write other romance genres as well? Do you have a favorite genre of romance novels that you like to write?
I do frequently write historical romance, but I also write contemporary romance. I have one chick-lit that was published by Astraea Press. As for my favorite genre of romance I would have to say, historical. Even though there are research challenges, I do love getting into the time period. Not so much the clothing aspect or the furniture, but the language. The way they spoke, the genteel way they acted, the horses! It is so much easier to have a knight in shining armor in the 1500s or 1800s than in current times.

Where do you get your inspirations for your stories?
My inspirations for stories comes from everywhere. In things that happen to me, things my kids do, phrases people say. Anything and everything is fair game.

Do you write any other type of books?
So far, no. Romance is all that I’ve published.

Are you working on any new books? Can you share anything about them with us?
I am working on the sequel to The Ruse as well as three completely new storylines. But I’m afraid I can’t give away any details until closer to being finished.

You have been a great supporter of Period Images, how did you hear about us.
I believe I found Period Images through a google search and I have to say I’ve never been happier. The photos are excellent. The models and period wear are superb. The only complaint I have is that there aren’t enough historical western couples or singles for The Board Series. Admittedly I have at least twelve novellas planned before I’m finished!

What do you look for when looking for cover images? Cover Models?
First and foremost I look for the model to match the time period I’m describing. Since I write “clean” romance I also want a picture that hints at sensuality without being licentious.

Do you pick your cover prior to writing your book or do you write your book and pick your cover?
In the past when I looked for a model I did it after designing my character, but now I’ve gotten wise. If you’re doing a period novel finding a hero/heroine to match your description isn’t always easy. So now I look for the model first before writing my description.

What can we expect to see from you in the future?
The sequel to The Ruse will be released before the end of the year. I already have the cover art and Period Images is again showcased. The next novella in The Board Series will be coming out soon, showcasing a photo with my interviewer, Jax. I’m looking forward to re-publishing my YA Fantasy novel toward the first of next year. As for others in the works, I don’t have a timetable.

Is there anything else you would like our readers to know?
I’d like to thank everyone for stopping by and reading my interview. And thank you, Jax, for giving me the opportunity to chat with you today. It has been such a pleasure to display the work of Period Images and I hope to continue to do so in the future.

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions and to chat with us. I look forward to posting your interview. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ruth J. Hartman

Today, I'd like to welcome author, Ruth J. Hartman!

 Hi Ruth, Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me I appreciate you taking the time and I know our readers and fans look forward to getting to know you better. Can you share a little bit about yourself and your background?

I live with my husband, Garry, and our 3 cats. Our Indiana farmhouse is over 100 years old with a shed out front where I also feed any feral cats who happen to wander in. Not to mention the occasional uninvited possum or raccoon.

What brought you into the world of Romance Novels?

I didn’t start out writing romance. My first book in 2008 was a memoir about living with severe OCD. I was also a dental hygienist, and one day while working on a patient, wondered what would happen if a hygienist fell in love with a patient. That book, “Flossophy of Grace” was my first romance novel.

When you were young is writing something that you always wanted to do?

 I have always loved writing. Words fascinate me and I learned to read and write very early. I was the weird kid in class who cheered when the teacher said the words, “It’s time to write your term papers”.

I know that you are an amazing author of Regency Romance novels, do you write any other types of romance novels?

I have several Contemporary Romance novels out. 3 of them have dental themes, and all of them have a least one cat in them.

Do you write any other types of books?

Four years ago, I wrote a children’s picture book, “Murphy in the Paw-Paw Patch” about a cat who is born without pads for his paws and goes on a journey to find some. It was a story I’d had in my head for a long time and was so excited when I finally got to have it published.

Are you working on a new book currently?

Yes, another Regency Romance for EsKape Press.

Is it anything you can share with us?

It’s Book 4 in my Love Birds Series. Book 3 is due out this month!

When do you look for a cover for your book? Is it something you do at the beginning to use as inspiration or do you look work on the cover after the book is complete?

A little of both. I have in mind what my characters should look like when I start the book and sometimes I’ll come across a picture that is just perfect. Other times, it takes a little searching, but I also have the benefit of our fantastic cover artist, Elaina Lee, who is amazing at finding just the right photo.

What do you look for in cover models and images for your covers?

I’ve used lots of different styles over the years, but for my Regency Romances, I love having the couple embracing, either gazing at each other, usually, or getting ready for a kiss.

You have been a great support of Period Images and we appreciate that, how did you hear about us?

 I think the first time I heard of you was when Period Images shared one of my book covers on Facebook. I didn’t know until then that your site was one that our cover artist often uses for photos.

As we expand our styles what kinds of things would you like to see?

Since I do mostly Regency Romance now, I’d love to keep seeing your wonderful photos from that era.

We appreciate the time to let us know a little bit more about you. If there is anything more you would like to share please do. (links general information, awards)


TJ Mackay

Today, I would like to welcome InD'Tale Magazine's Editor-in-Chief, TJ Mackay!

Tell us a little bit about the inspiration for your Magazine?

The inspiration came a few years ago while I was working as the special features editor in a traditionally published magazine.  Kindle and Self publishing was going crazy but there was no venue where those authors could get quality book reviews and promotion. Many were contacting me asking if I could help and a lot of them were just as good (if not better in some cases) than the traditionally published authors I was working with.  Thus... I got this completely crazy idea that I could publish a magazine for all those looking at Indie!

It was great meeting you at our Period Images shoot, and thank you so much for the great review. Just curious what were you expecting prior to coming to our shoot?

Oh my goodness, Jax, thank YOU and all the amazing people we met at Period Images!  It was a day I will never forget!  Honestly, prior to actually experiencing it, I imagined we would go to VJs house (because of candid pictures you guys have posted periodically.)  There would be a photographer and a couple of actors - very laid back and quiet.  WOW, was I wrong!! 

What was your biggest surprise at our shoot?

Honestly, everything was a surprise!  If I had to pick one, however, it would be what absolute, total choreographed mayhem it was!!  There were people everywhere, rushing here, dressing, undressing, eating, hanging out, and everyone was having such a good time.  Everyone was laughing, visiting and totally enjoying each other. 

What was your favorite part of your visit with us?

That is really impossible to answer, there were SO many favorite things that day.  I think the two that stand out, however, are:
 The amazing friendliness of every single person there.  Everyone was so warm and willing to talk, teach and help us.  I knew how sweet VJ is but to have every single model, every seamstress, every helper show us such warmth and friendliness was incredible.
 I love to learn and I learned SO much throughout that day.  From how the talented people create new costumes to how one choreographs the shoots, to how stinking much time goes into make-up!   Now THAT was an eye opener!  I always wondered how actors and models looked so perfect all the time... it’s the make-up artists - they can cover up and create anything! 

It was great having the ladies from InD’tale at our shoot what would you like to see on your next visit that you didn’t have a chance to see on this one?

In looking back at the day, I think the only thing I wished I had been able to do and would like to spend more time learning from was the actual shoot.  I was so amazed and overwhelmed at the sheer immensity of everything going on that I didn’t really sit down and just observe the photo shoots themselves.  The interaction between the models and the photographer would be really interesting to watch and learn from.   But, then again, I would probably be having so much fun if I returned, it wouldn’t matter a piddly what I saw!

Thanks again for chatting with me. I look forward to our next time together!

Thank YOU, Jax for allowing me to visit with you for a few minutes!  I sincerely hope I do get a next time.  You are an amazing bunch and I am honored to have had the pleasure of getting to know you all.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Cynthia Lucas

Today, I would like to welcome author, Cynthia Lucas!

Hi Cynthia! Thanks so much for taking the time out to chat with me. I know our readers would love to know a little more about you. Can you give us a little bit of your background? (Maybe include some fun facts about you)

Jax, before we go any further I want to thank YOU so much for the interview! I love and admire your work, and that of Period Images….you all have one of the best sites for book cover imagery. Beautiful photos, costuming, models and design. VJ Dunraven is fantastic! So…again, thank you for inviting me. Now I must inform you that YOU are in trouble because a.) I’m a writer and b.) I talk WAAAY too much as my friends will tell you. LMAO!! Anyway…hi-ho Silver, here we go…. ;)

 Now on to me…Well, as far as writing goes I don’t have any fancy credentials to list as far as a background in writing. However,  I am a professional musician….singer/songwriter by trade and therefore I enjoy telling a story!  I guess I’ve been a bit of a ‘traveler’ in my life…I was born out west in San Francisco and then we moved to my mother’s home state of Connecticut when I was very young, and I spent most of my growing up there. After my parents divorced we moved to the sunshine state of Florida, where I have spent most of my life now for 30 years other than a short stint in Alabama and Virginia. 

*I’m half Greek on my dad’s side (he’s full blooded….first generation born here. My grandparents came from the Dodecanese Islands.
*I rehab wildlife as a hobby….squirrels, bunnies, birds…you name it. And I have about 15 pets running around my house right now.
*I play keyboards, sing and front my own band, NORTH 2 SOUTH. I’ve been a professional singer, songwriter and entertainer most of my adult life.  
* Last year, I asked award-winning actor, Jay Tavare (he’s appeared in many films including Cold Mountain, The Missing, Dreamworks mini-series Into the West, CSI, and yes..that’s Vega from Streetfighter: The Movie) to appear on one of my books, When Lightning Strikes. I designed a cover using one of my favorite pictures of him, and when I wrote to him and told him my story and how much I’d wanted to have him on my book, he told me personally that he loved it and said YES. This was a huge honor because he’s only agreed to ONE other book cover that I know of and I was over the moon because it was the only one of my books that had never had a model on the cover! Why? Because from the moment the ink was dry on the first edition (it was my FIRST book) I wanted him…but I had to wait until I had a few stats to offer him instead of saying I’d sold ten books to my friends, before I dared ask him. LOL! Just goes to show you, that ANYTHING is possible.  Reach for a star!
*At age 50 I appeared on one of my own book covers with one of Period Image’s own models, Grigoris Drakakis (who’s also Greek of course…and who happens to be oh, like 20 years younger than me.) For those wondering, YES! I was scared s**tless when I asked him to model with me! LOL! But I wanted to inspire other women that you can be ANY age and you can do whatever you want if you have the courage to go for it. My message to women of all ages is: LOVE YOURSELF. You’re beautiful exactly as you are and with all the gifts that make you uniquely you.  So LIVE, laugh, love and whatever it is you want to achieve….REACH for that star.
*On Grigoris Drakakis: I invited him here last summer to the US to work on a cinematic trailer for my book, SMOKE & MIRRORZ. He came in the fall, and the rest of course, is history…he’s gone on to become one of the most in-demand models right now for romance covers.  It was really one of the most fun experiences ever working with him and the Crunchreel crew, who I met at 2013 RNC.

What inspired you to write Romance Novels?  

I have always loved stories that take me away to another time…place or fantasy world. After I’d read a few, I guess it just brought out the story-teller in me, and I had to try it for myself.

Have you considered writing or have you written any other types of books? 

The book I am currently finishing up and getting ready for release in October is definitely in the romance genre, but it is also VERY heavily science fiction/fantasy. Those who’ve enjoyed Riddick, John Carter, Cloud Atlas and Star Wars may like it. And yes, I have considered trying my hand at something without the romance element…but I really enjoy adding that to my stories, because love is such an integral part of life, and a life altering experience that helps bring us so much growth spiritually. This theme (spiritual growth and redemption)  weaves its way through all my books.

As you know I am very involved in cover modeling so I am curious. When do you look for your book covers? Do you see an image which inspires a story or do you look for an image to fit your story.

I have my eye on book covers all the time…actually. Usually, I have already written the story and I design the cover myself and know exactly what I want. More recently, I purchased a couple of premade covers that I came across that  grabbed me. Not sure yet IF I will use them, but in case I want to, I have them. I’ve always wanted to write a story in that flavor…so in the end the decision will be how well it fits when it’s done.  So far I have designed all four of my book covers that are out there (yep…I do the graphic arts too!) However, this time around I wanted to do something different and my new release HUNTER was designed by the amazing Melody Simmons, who works closely of course, with Period Images.

If you could work with anyone in collaboration on your next cover, who would be on your dream 

That’s a hard one to answer, because I have so many talented friends in the business, and know some incredibly beautiful models, yourself included.  I will say, that this new cover for HUNTER is probably my best to date, and that is thanks to VJ’s photography, Thomas Gunter is just stunning….gorgeous model, and Melody Simmons is a top notch designer. There are a few other designers out there….Fiona Jade, Erin Dameron-Hill…I truly admire their work. As for the models themselves, I think it comes down to who captures the perfect essence of a character, not just in look, but something about their ‘spirit’ that comes through in a photograph.  There’s covers out there I’ve seen where the costuming was right…. and the poses and lighting were all great, but something about the particular model just didn’t capture the essence of the theme of the shoot. Not because they weren’t a great model…but just a mis-casting of character, just as sometimes an actor is miscast. It can happen with models too! I guess for me what it would come down to is who best captures the essence of whatever particular character I’ve written and how well their look and expressiveness communicates that.  AS far as the shoot? I’d call in VJ/Period Images without a second thought!  And I definitely want to have YOU on one of my covers as well, Jax.

You have a new book coming out, can you tell us a little bit about it?

You betcha! The book is called HUNTER and it’s very different from anything I’ve written to date. It is a sci-fi/fantasy action romance that takes the reader on a journey across galaxies and realities. It is a completely new twist on the idea of demons and demon hunters…as well as a spiritual journey of personal growth and love across time and dimensions.
The lead character, Nyx Leron is a demon hunter…except demons aren’t what humans think they are and reality depends on what reality you perceive in.  After being sentenced to serving a term in Reality Level 3 on the prison planet known as Earth for a galactic 'crime' he didn't commit, the Hunter soon learns that the balance of power and the control of Sacred Knowledge that can free all souls from endless life and death cycles on prison planets like Earth are in the hands of corruption. After his targets escape, losing him his bounty...and his debt payoff, he barely escapes with his life and unexpectedly lands in the apartment of librarian and sometime tarot card reader, Lyra Hall. With a coven of soul-sucking demons now on his tail and traces of his energy in her living space and on her person, the Hunter has no choice but to take the human woman with him as he makes his escape to another galaxy, dimension and reality level where he will try to figure out how to protect the billions of souls that are now in danger. As she and the Hunter make their escape Lyra has no idea how deep the 'rabbit hole' goes , but she soon discovers she's about to embark on not only an adventure beyond any she could have imagined...but an awakening of who she really is and the real meaning of the word 'soul mate'.

What brought you to Period Images when looking for your new cover?

The universe LITERALLY handed me this cover! LOL! I was starting to think about what kind of design I wanted and looking to find the right model…and I was scrolling down Facebook one day in the newsfeed and there was this absolutely PERFECT image of Nyx Leron sitting there complete with his white wolf! I sat there staring…dumbfounded because here I am writing this deep book on spiritual awareness and how the universe takes you exactly where you need to go, and BAM! There was my cover. I bought it right away…and the second one Melody made which also goes very nicely with what will be the sequel.
The Universe has spoken! LOL! ;)

We would love to see your new cover, will you share it with us?

What can we expect from you in the future? Are you working on any other books at this time?

Right now I’m working on final edits for HUNTER and after that I will be working on the sequel, The GATHERER.  There may be a third in the series…and after that, who knows. 

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Yes! My love and my thanks to all of you for taking the time to check out my work. My websites:

And….some pics of me and my friends! J

Thanks for taking the time to chat with me. It is always a pleasure learning more about the authors that we work with. Good luck with you new book and can’t wait to see more from you in the future.