Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ruth J. Hartman

Today, I'd like to welcome author, Ruth J. Hartman!

 Hi Ruth, Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me I appreciate you taking the time and I know our readers and fans look forward to getting to know you better. Can you share a little bit about yourself and your background?

I live with my husband, Garry, and our 3 cats. Our Indiana farmhouse is over 100 years old with a shed out front where I also feed any feral cats who happen to wander in. Not to mention the occasional uninvited possum or raccoon.

What brought you into the world of Romance Novels?

I didn’t start out writing romance. My first book in 2008 was a memoir about living with severe OCD. I was also a dental hygienist, and one day while working on a patient, wondered what would happen if a hygienist fell in love with a patient. That book, “Flossophy of Grace” was my first romance novel.

When you were young is writing something that you always wanted to do?

 I have always loved writing. Words fascinate me and I learned to read and write very early. I was the weird kid in class who cheered when the teacher said the words, “It’s time to write your term papers”.

I know that you are an amazing author of Regency Romance novels, do you write any other types of romance novels?

I have several Contemporary Romance novels out. 3 of them have dental themes, and all of them have a least one cat in them.

Do you write any other types of books?

Four years ago, I wrote a children’s picture book, “Murphy in the Paw-Paw Patch” about a cat who is born without pads for his paws and goes on a journey to find some. It was a story I’d had in my head for a long time and was so excited when I finally got to have it published.

Are you working on a new book currently?

Yes, another Regency Romance for EsKape Press.

Is it anything you can share with us?

It’s Book 4 in my Love Birds Series. Book 3 is due out this month!

When do you look for a cover for your book? Is it something you do at the beginning to use as inspiration or do you look work on the cover after the book is complete?

A little of both. I have in mind what my characters should look like when I start the book and sometimes I’ll come across a picture that is just perfect. Other times, it takes a little searching, but I also have the benefit of our fantastic cover artist, Elaina Lee, who is amazing at finding just the right photo.

What do you look for in cover models and images for your covers?

I’ve used lots of different styles over the years, but for my Regency Romances, I love having the couple embracing, either gazing at each other, usually, or getting ready for a kiss.

You have been a great support of Period Images and we appreciate that, how did you hear about us?

 I think the first time I heard of you was when Period Images shared one of my book covers on Facebook. I didn’t know until then that your site was one that our cover artist often uses for photos.

As we expand our styles what kinds of things would you like to see?

Since I do mostly Regency Romance now, I’d love to keep seeing your wonderful photos from that era.

We appreciate the time to let us know a little bit more about you. If there is anything more you would like to share please do. (links general information, awards)


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