Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mary J. McCoy Dressel

We decided to start a blog for several reasons, but in particular, to provide a spot to help promote and support those who support us. By chatting with all our clients, we give them an opportunity to share a little bit about themselves both personally and professionally. We love getting to know our customers, and thought other people in the industry, including readers, would, too! So stop by often, and see who we are chatting with! 

~Jax Turyna,  Editor-at-large, 


Today, I'm excited to welcome, author, Mary J. McCoy Dressel!

     Tell us a little bit about you and your business. 

I’ve worn many hats in my life, but my major career job (while writing) was in education working with children with learning disabilities at the elementary level. Later, I moved into the Title One program in Middle School. I’ve also taught creative writing for a college leisure program. The Great Lake state of Michigan is where I call home, and where I have lived all my life…except for the time I moved to Missouri on a whim. I’m Mom to two sons and live with my youngest. We have a rescued Australian Shepherd/ chow mix fur baby dog.
Besides writing, I love creative photography, reading, going to the opera and dinner with friends, and also traveling. I’m a spectator sports fan of bull riding and NHL hockey, but sometimes I watch NASCAR, football, and baseball.
To date, I have four novels in the contemporary western romance genre with more books to come in each series. Two of my time-travel romance books are now out of print, but I’d like to bring them back one day. Some of my books are emotional and compelling, and the characters don't have an easy time getting what they want, but their reward is sexy and sweet. In a lighter style I prefer to write more romantic and sensual love stories without all the conflict and drama. My dream came true when I became a full-time writer.

Growing up, is this something you always wanted to do?

Like many authors, I started writing at a young age, but I began with poetry. I moved into creative non-fiction and romantic fiction. Being a writer is a dream I’ve had for as long as I can remember. When reading as a child, I’d dream of having my own name on books. I also wanted to be a singer, but since I can’t sing, and knew it from the beginning—that was only a dream.
How did this career come about for you?

My writing career turned serious when I went to college—by then a mom with two little boys. After writing all those English papers, and having my instructors tell me I needed to write books, I got serious. That’s when I started writing the novel I had in my head for a long time. I owned vacation property in the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania. It was always in the back of my mind to write a time-travel romance taking place there. So I did! I penned the first words for the first book right there in the cabin.

What is your favorite part of this type of work?

My favorite part of this work is when I get email or a comment from a reader telling me they love my stories and characters, or when they tell me they want more books. It’s a great feeling to know my work has touched someone in a special way.
I see that you write Western Contemporary Romance Novels, is there any other types you are looking to write?
Now, I mostly write sensual contemporary western romance. But on occasion I’ll write paranormal romance. A couple contemporary novels outside of the western genre are on hold right now to be finished sometime in the future. Contemporary western romance is fairly new to me, but I love it. My first cowboy hero came to me as a bull riding cowboy and it took off from there. My characters usually come to me with a description and career, so the rest is up to me. I have written two novels in the historical genre, but I prefer writing contemporary romance.

Are you currently working on a book that you can share with us? If so when is it coming out?

At this point, I’m working on two books. Book 1.5 in my Double Dutch Ranch Series is back with the editor, but I’m also writing book three in that series. Book 1.5, is a bonus book—a continuation of the hero and heroine’s story from the first book, Cowboy Boss and his Destiny. The anticipated release for this book is early December 2014. Book three is about the third and youngest brother at the ranch who finally gets his own story. This book should be released spring/early summer 2015.

When it comes to the cover of your books, do you choose that before, or after writing your book? 

I choose all my cover models before, or during the writing of my books, and it is definitely inspiring for me to have the images to look at. I don’t only purchase one image of the model, but others, too, with different poses and outfits. Later, I’ll use them on my website book pages with excerpts, or on my blog. In fact, I have already purchased the cover model images for book three—a special shoot by the way. *wink* I’ll be using him for another book as well. I’ve also purchased a couple images of you and Thomas for one of my future books outside of the western genre.

How did you first get introduced to Period Images?

Someone had posted pictures of Grigoris Drakakis on Facebook. When I saw him, it was like my hero jumped out of my head and onto the page, so I had to investigate. I must say I was very pleased to find him with a cowboy hat! Of course, I couldn’t stop looking at the Period Images website once I found it. That’s when I also purchased the first images for book three, or what I thought I’d use for book three. Afterward, I had the chance to ask for a special request with the book three cover model. I’m thrilled with the images and models who work for Period Images.

The romance novel industry is getting bigger each year, which is great news for all of us. Where do you see the industry going in the next 5 years?

There are so many more genres within the romance industry now. I see continued growth in the romance industry.

Which of your books is your favorite and why? 

This is tough because I love all my books. I believe Heartbreak’s Reward is my favorite book to date. It’s the whole storyline and characters—my heart bleeds for my brokenhearted hero—the struggle he has within himself. Everything about that book gives my heart a smile. This is one you’re on, Jax, and you fit my heroine to a tee. I also have a weakness for Hey, Cowboy, the second book in my Bull Rider Series, because I spent so much time with those characters and writing that series. It hit home in so many ways. My western covers can be seen on my website or Facebook page.
Can you share with us 5 Fun facts that people may not know about you?

This question is harder than the last one! 
1.) I’ve been to the top of my state’s largest lighthouse, the Stratosphere in Las Vegas, and the Hancock Building in Chicago, but I have a fear of heights. 
2.) I don’t like driving across bridges. but walking over them isn’t a problem. 
3.) Few people know I love going to operas and the symphony. 
4.) I once drove a tractor- trailer across a parking lot. 
5.) I’m unpredictable on purpose.

Please share the links to your website/fan pages:

Thanks for taking the time to chat with me! I love getting to know our authors better and I know so do all the fans. Best of luck with you future projects and we all look forward to working together more in the future!

Thank you for having me here, Jax! I read your interviews all the time and never expected to be one of them. J We’ll definitely be working together in the future.


  1. Hi, Jax! Thank you again for having me as your guest. It's a pleasure to be here.

  2. Nice to meet you Jax. This is a lovely interview with Mary J. :)

  3. Thank you for the interview, Jax. I enjoyed reading more about Mary.
